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I appreciate you being here.

We’re all just trying to Do Our Best and be better tomorrow than today.

If you find my writing helpful for that, or just enjoy what I do here, consider subscribing; all posts are free, forever, and your subscription means a lot to me. You can also follow me on X/Twitter, where I write much less carefully on a wider range of stuff.

Who Am I?

I’m Josh, an American scientist who is currently living and working in Sweden. I wrote for two years on, so there’s more content over there, but everybody is on Substack now so I am too.

I travel a lot (when there’s not a pandemic on), and sometimes write about that. I rarely write about my subject-matter scientific expertise (particle physics), though I do write about science-y stuff, and when I feel like it I do non-expert lit reviews. I also dabble in poetry (more here).

I think Rationalism is useful and that more people should read and internalize the content of The Sequences. I think Effective Altruism is the worst version of altruism available to the world, except for all of the others; there are serious flaws but their net impact is unambiguously great. I’ve taken the Giving What We Can Pledge starting in 2017, to give at least 10% of my annual income to effective charities.

I’m recovering from a Ph.D-induced alcohol dependency, and track my progress (with data!) publicly every year; see most recent post here.

Overall, I just try to stoke my curiosity when and where I find it, and use what I learn to try to make my life and the world better.

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Rationalism, Living Well, and Other Weird Stuff


Scientist, aspiring effective altruist and occasional rationalist. Previously blogging at