The world is moving to Substack, and now so am I!
I’ve been writing at for 2.5 years now, with 100 posts thus far. Topics vary widely, and include (but are not limited to):
humor, ethics, modern life, and what the world is like,
travel and living abroad (currently in Japan),
me trying to answer a specific research question (usually outside my field of study),
Mostly, though, I write about simple (or not so simple) life lessons I think are useful (or sometimes, even true!), as well as things to think about to try to improve your (my? our?) life, both productively and experientially. I do a New Month Resolution (almost) every month and report the results in order to decide whether to continue. I’m also recovering from Ph.D-induced unhealthy alcohol habit, which I track, analyze, set goals for, and report on each year (at least) (latest update here).
More personally, I’m a not-quite-middle-aged American scientist living in Japan. I like ideas, hiking, meditation, travel, video games, and probably other things. Also books (check out my ongoing book review thread)!

I think of myself as a Rationalist most of the time, or a “postrat” when I’m around Rationalists who don’t consider themselves Rationalists. Anyway, I’ve read the Sequences but acknowledge fully the Virtue of the Void.

In the end, I’m mostly trying to understand my own mind and learn from others’, with the goal of improving the world by first improving myself. I would love nothing more than to meet interesting people and engage with their ideas using this platform; critique and comment are always welcome, and I will always engage in good faith.
If all of that sounds good to you, then I’ll be very grateful for your subscription (which is free of course).
Welcome, let’s do good things together!